Sunday, December 20, 2020

A target to plant 365+ plants before stepping into 2022

#plantwhisper #365Plus #sustainable_development_goal

I am Hephzibah. I'm a student of the Faculty of Agriculture studying at the University of Jaffna. I am doing the * Plant Whisper * project in association with the Sustainable Development Goal.

The Association adopted 193 countries at the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2015 for the 2030 Development Program entitled Transforming Our World.

The action plan contains 17 objectives.

My project is being carried out under the 15th objective of sustainable use of land.

Protecting and restoring geological ecosystems, promoting their sustainable use, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification, preventing land degradation, and preventing biodiversity loss. This is the purpose of the goal.

Based on this, our project is to plant and maintain more than 365+ trees before stepping into 2021.

The planting of tree and plants during this period is carried out by everyone but it is questionable whether it is maintained ??

The main objective of the project is to plant and maintain more than 365 before stepping into 2021.

Who can work with us ??

All those who are interested can join hands with us in this project and offer your contribution to save us and the endangered nature.

You can implement this project from anywhere in the world and make your contribution

What do you have to do ??

Plant and maintain as many tree as you can!

The number of plants to be planted can be chosen at your discretion.

If you would like to register for the scheme, please fill in the form below and send it to +94710929645.

1. Name

2. Residence

3. Contact no

4. Number of  plants

Additional information you need to do will be sent to you after registration.


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NAME; HEPHZIBAH TITLE ; SD GOAL BODY மௌனங்களின் நிழல்களிலே கசிந்துருகும்  ஓர் பிம்பம் நேற்றைய நாட்களின் தேடல்களில் ஒளிந்து  கொண்டிருக்கும் ப...